Best love letter-writer of all time: W.A. Mozart!

Efter ungefär halva boken har jag insett att ingen slår Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart i kärleksbrev. När man tänker tillbaks på såna gamla skruttar tänker man bara att de satt inlåsta och förbannade inne på ett rum med mörkt körsbärsträ och golv klädda med dyra mattor från fjärran land... - MEN, Mozart verkade som vilken rolig snubbe som helst, som bara använde sig av lite finare ord. Det var nog ingen slump att vi döpte vår katt till det iallafall. Vila i frid beloved Mozart (x2)

två av Mozarts fina kärleksbrev till Constanze, hans fru. (till skillnad från alla andra där kärleksbreven var menade till älskarinnorna!)

To Constanze, sent from Dresden, 16 April 1789

Dear little wife, I have a number of requests to make. I beg you
1) not to be melancholy
2) to take care of your health and to beware of the spring breezes
3) not to go out walking alone - and preferably not to go out walking at all
4) to feel absolutley assured of my love. up to the present Ihave not written a single letter to you without placing your dear portrait before me.
6) and lastly I beg you to send me more details in your letters. I should very much like to knoe ehether our brother-in-law Hofer came to see us the day after my departure? Whether he comes very often, as he promised me he would? Whetherthe Langes come sometimes? Whether progress is being made with the portrait? What sort of life you are leading? All these things are naturally of great interest to me.
5) I beg in your conduct not only to be careful of your honour and mine, but also to consider appearances. Do not be angry with me for asking this. Your ought to love me even more for thus valuing our honour.

W. A. Mozart

Brev nummer två är lätt min favorit. Blev galet chockad när jag fick syn på ordet "shit" (1791!!)

To constanze, sent from Vienna, 6 June 1791

I have this moment recieved your dear letter and am delighted to hear that you are well and in good spirits. Madame Leutgeb has laundered my nightcap and neck-tie, but I should like you to see them! Good God! I kept on telling her " Do let me show you how she (my wife) does them!" - but it was no use. I am delighted that you have a good appetite - but whoever gorges a lot, must also shit a lot - no, walk a lot, I mean. But i should not like you to take long walks without me. I entreat you to follow my advise exactly, for it comes from my heart. Adieu - my love - my only one. Do catch them in the air - those 2999 ½ little kisses from me which are flying about, waiting for someone to snap them up. Listen,I want to whisper someting in your ear - and you in mine - and now we open and close our mouths - again - again and again - at last we say: " it is all about Plumpi - Strumpi-" Well, you can think what you like- that is just why it'so convenient. Adieu. A thousand tender kisses. Ever your



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